"Funds from the offering will be used for ministry/evangelism in Kentucky with persons beyond the in-fellowship work of local churches (specifically with those who are not currently members of any church) or for ministries/events which will provide training or support for ministry/evangelism in Kentucky with persons beyond the in-fellowship work of local churches."
Sept 1
Dec 15
Apr 1
Everyone from the local church to the Kentucky Baptist Convention can apply for an Eliza Broadus Grant.
EBO Grants can not be applied to salaries, regular bills, or building expenses including maintenance.
The Eliza Broadus Offering provides monetary support for our Kentucky Baptist Special Ministries
Special Ministries must be affiliated with at least one of the following (1) the Kentucky Baptist Convention, (2) a local Baptist Association affiliated with the KBC, or (3) a KBC affiliated church.
Requested funds must go towards ministry/ evangelism in Kentucky with persons beyond the in-fellowship work of local churches (specifically seeking to reach those who are not currently members of any church).
Include both ENDORSEMENT STATEMENT AND SIGNATURE from either (A) the Associational Missions Strategist/Moderator OR (B) the Associational WMU Director in which the ministry resides.
Returning applicants must fill out an Accountability Form and submit with subsequent request.
Application must be completed in its entirety. Incomplete Applications will not be considered.
Each Kentucky Baptist Association is eligible to receive a $500 EBO Associational Grant. This money can be used in your association to promote missions or to help a new/on-going ministry. It also provides support for ministry/evangelism expenses such as Bibles, tracts and other supplies; for missions education; or for events which will promote training or support for ministry/evangelism.
Each AMS/NMS is responsible for filling out this Grant Request/ Accountability Report for their Association/Network. If role is vacant, please sent to appointed representative (e. g. Moderator or other associational/network secretary).
An accountability form must be completed for an association to receive subsequent allocations.
Complete a Special Ministries Allocation Request for each project that requires additional funding (beyond this $500 grant) If requesting money for an ongoing event, request must be accompanied by a Special Ministries Accountability Form.
The Eliza Broadus Offering provides monetary support for Kentucky Baptist convention (KBC) teams, agencies, and institutions that are specifically focused above or whose assignments relate to missions education and support in Kentucky. KBC receives their disbursement over a 12-month span. When the offering is not met, their last disbursement is adjusted.
Submit your form by emailing a completed copy and any applicable materials to
[email protected]
To confirm receipt of your application, please contact Denise Gardner at 502.489.3427 or email [email protected].