Digital Prayer Guide

Week of Prayer at your Fingertips!

Check here for your standard week of prayer guide alongside practical ways you can get involved, links, and more!

DAY 1 | REGION 1 : The Gospel In Uncertainty

Murray, KY

Lifehouse Care Center has been sharing the Gospel in their community with those that have been in crisis. There are many in their area that have faced unplanned pregnancies, considered abortion, or needed counseling or assistance. Some have come to Lifehouse after an abortion or in a court-ordered parenting class. Whatever the need, Lifehouse Care Center has made it their mission to support and offer hope to those that are hurting and to share the love of Christ in their hardest moments. Lifehouse provides parenting classes and a program that allows participants to earn material items as they learn, such as baby beds and car seats. They offer free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and STD testing. They have been able to reach 500 students this past year as they teach abstinence in local school systems. Above all else, Lifehouse shares the Gospel with those that are hurting and shares the hope of breaking generational cycles with the power of Christ.

Pray For: 

  • The Client Service Director at Lifehouse Care Center and that God gives her wisdom in the ministry.
  • The Safe Haven Box that will be installed this fall and the ministry that will provide in their community.
  • The events Lifehouse leads, such as their Fall Banquet and the Beautiful You Girls Conference that remind young girls the Lord loves them.


Praying for people with questions (The Gospel in Uncertainty): 

  • Pray that families in need will come to Lifehouse Care Center in Murray, KY and will know that God loves their family!

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Volunteer to work at the Boutique Store
  • Participate in Baby Bottle Campaign
  • Help sort the change received from the Baby Bottle Campaign.
  • Help with their Banquet.
  • Host a group/ meeting at Life House.
    • Have staff share what they do and take a tour of the facilities.


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DAY 2 | REGION 2: The Gospel In Crisis

Hopkinsville, KY

As a Christ-centered, non-profit home, Grace & Mercy is dedicated to empowering women in crisis by extending the love of Christ. In fact, workers at Grace and Mercy have discipled 119 women this year and have seen 87 put their trust in Jesus.

Recognizing that most women coming out of incarceration, addiction, and homelessness feel hopeless, Grace & Mercy provides a safe home and caring support system. They form relationships with women in transition, providing friendship and walking alongside residents in their healing process. Rooted in the belief that Christ alone has the power to heal and restore broken people completely, Grace & Mercy bases their program on Biblical principles and Christ-centered guidance while incorporating a proven program of daily organization.

Along with housing, Bible study, and educational opportunities, they include training in life skills, home management, parenting, community involvement, and employment preparation/placement.

Pray For: 

  • KY-MSC Missionary and Grace & Mercy Executive Director, Joanna Mack asking God to strengthen, support, and guide her in her role.
  • Gospel centered relationships with the women entering the program and that these women will come to know restoration in Christ.
  • Residents to create and maintain a lifestyle change beyond Grace & Mercy upon program graduation.


Praying for hurting women (The Gospel in Crisis):  

  • Pray that Grace & Mercy in Hopkinsville, KY can help heal hurting women by making friends and sharing the love of Jesus.

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Purchase fudge in store or online at
  • Request one of their ladies to come and give testimonies of what Grace & Mercy does, what they have learned, and where they see themselves after G&M.
  • Shop the Thrift Store.
  • Contact G&M and ask what toiletries they currently need for residents.


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DAY 3| REGION 3: The Gospel As Refuge

Bowling Green, KY

A locally founded and community driven non-profit, Refuge Bowling Green has provided Christ-centered services to immigrants and refugees since September 2018. They are dedicated to fostering unity and cultivating a diverse, vibrant neighborhood where everyone feels welcome. Driven by the love of Christ, they take a holistic approach to help refugees acclimate in their community and thrive in their new home. Refuge Bowling Green works to build bridges between Bowling Green’s refugee population and local church members/ institutions. Through comprehensive training, coaching, and resources, they equip and empower community members to embrace their foreign-born neighbors. These ministries open the door for meaningful connections with families resettling or relocating to Bowling Green, enabling staff and volunteers to share the gospel relationally.


The EBO grant assists local church members in building trust amongst the foreign-born population through the exchange of vital cleaning supplies and opens doors for gospel-spreading opportunities to more youth through expansion of their youth soccer program.

Pray For: 

  • KY-MSC Missionaries and Refuge Bowling Green Founders, Daniel and Alice Tarnagda asking God to direct their leadership.
  • Open doors for the gospel specifically with unreached people groups in their area.
  • Churches to be willing to partner and serve with Refuge Bowling Green.


Praying for Refugees (The Gospel as Refuge):   

  • Pray that Refuge Bowling Green in Bowling Green, KY can be good neighbors and share the gospel with new families moving to Bowling Green from all over the world.

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Help with supplies. Refuge needs socks, shin guards, and soccer balls on a regular basis.
  • Churches close to Warren County can volunteer with Refuge Bowling Green.
  • Churches throughout the state can schedule to Serve on Mission Trips with Refuge Bowling Green


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DAY 4| REGION 4: The Gospel Through Languages

Louisville, KY

When Orsmby Heights Baptist Church saw that food was a physical need for many of their neighbors four years ago, they began to pray about how God would have them serve their community. Finding their area of Southwest Louisville, was considered a food desert, their church began the Bread of Life Ministry to distribute food boxes three times a month. As they created relationships with these neighbors, they identified an additional desperate community need: ESL classes. Many who attended the food bank were internationals, unable to speak English and who struggled to communicate. This communication gap rose barriers for them in school and the workplace, further isolating them from their community. Thus, God opened doors to begin an ESL ministry at Ormsby Heights. Already they have an average of 24 participants in each class where they also share a meal and hear the gospel through relational conversations. Some of the ESL participants have started attending Ormsby Heights for Sunday morning worship services and are building relationships with the church membership and practicing their new language skills!

Pray For: 

  • Laborers to help in the Bread of Life and ESL ministries.
  • The commitment of the participants of the ESL classes & that they would not become discouraged when learning a new language seems difficult.
  • Understanding between the volunteers and internationals as they create relationships with their neighbors.
  • Salvation among the lost visiting Bread of Life or learning English.


Praying for Communities (The Gospel in Community)

  • Pray that God will help Ormsby Heights Baptist Church in Louisville, KY to teach others to speak English and to learn about Him!

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Volunteer to work with this ministry by emailing Ormsby Heights Community Pastor, Bobby Merideth.


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DAY 5| REGION 5: The Gospel In Community 

Covington, KY

The Moore Activity Center (MAC), a ministry of South Side Baptist Church, is designed to show love to inner-city individuals and families by developing the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through teaching, nurturing, mentoring, tutoring, and lay counseling based on Christian values. This inner-city ministry reaches thousands of people by meeting needs and sharing Christ through after-school tutoring; crafts classes; a coffee house; exercise classes; Celebrate Recovery meetings; computer and job skill training; family fun nights; and back-to-school programs that offer backpacks, school supplies, free haircuts, and more. The MAC has become a beacon in the downtown Covington area, seeking to Meet Needs and Share Christ with the surrounding community, many of whom do not attend church anywhere. In the past year, the MAC has connected with over 1000 individuals, developed relationships with 150 families, and saw over 20 children, youth, and adults, come to know Christ.

Pray For: 

  • KY-MSC Missionary and MAC Director, Amy Wilhelmus. Pray God inspire her and her team to continue finding unique ways of reaching people to share Christ.
  • God to open doors for the MAC to meet physical needs in the Covington Community as a platform to share the gospel.
  • The lost in the Covington community to find a personal savior.
  • More Christian leaders to step up to help them reach out.


Praying for people who Don’t understand (The Gospel through Languages)

  • Pray that God will help Ormsby Heights Baptist Church in Louisville, KY to teach others to speak English and to learn about Him!

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Mission teams and individuals can come in and volunteer with on-going or one-time events. Teams can be local or from out of town. Call to discuss opportunities.
  • MAC often is in need of donated items. Contact them for current needs.


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DAY 6| REGION 6: The Gospel Across Cultures

Lexington, KY

Friendship International in Lexington offers Christian friendship, express Christian love, and conveys the gospel in deed and word to international women living in the Central Kentucky area. Friendship International seeks to ease the adjustment to the American way of life, to provide activities of interest, and to facilitate building cross-cultural friendships. Their framework to meet and minister to these women with gospel hospitality is comprised of weekly Friday Morning gatherings (during the school year), where they provide childcare, refreshments, a program, and classes—the latter two being centered on learning and/ or friendship. For many attendees, Friendship International is the first time they have ever walked through the doors of a church, much less been permitted by their husbands to do so. Through Friendship International, many of these women hear the gospel for the first time, and have many honest, vulnerable questions.

Pray For: 

  • The Holy Spirit to continue to move and work in the hearts of women who have heard the gospel for the first time.
  • Favor among volunteers that they may form deep cross-cultural friendships and that God continue to open doors for gospel conversations.
  • God to call new volunteer leadership to Friendship International.


Praying for new friends (The Gospel Across cultures)

  • Pray that God will help the people at Friendship International in Lexington, KY make friends with international women in Lexington, so they get to talk about Jesus with them!

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Serve with Friendship International. Volunteers serve in leadership, on the childcare team, teach and lead classes, in hospitality, registration, technology, and more.
  • Share about Friendship International with others. Particularly as you meet international women, tell them about Friendship International and invite them to attend. Point them to the website,


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DAY 7| REGION 7: The Gospel Amidst Struggles 

Stearns, KY

Striving to show gospel compassion in one of the poorest counties in America, The Lord’s Café to Go, is designed to provide hot meals to individuals and families needing food. Envisioned by Grant and Gina Hasty (2024 KY-MSC missionaries of the year), this ministry expands the Lord’s Café (an existing free restaurant ministry of Crossroads Community Baptist Church) by putting it on “wheels.” By connecting it to Crossroads Community’s new human trafficking ministry, One Hope, Grant, and Gina seek to meet their community where they are both spiritually and physically, offering hope and restoration.

The faith family of Crossroads Community and mission team volunteers will use the Lord’s Café to Go as an opportunity to grow in their own personal relationship with Christ. Each are trained to and identify the signs of human trafficking and share the gospel and pray with everyone receiving meals. This allows every person served to be met in a time of need and have the opportunity to respond to the gospel.

Pray For: 

  • KY-MSC Missionaries Grant and Gina Hasty alongside their family as they seek to demonstrate gospel compassion through meeting tangible community needs.
  • God to use the Lord’s Café to Go and its parent ministries, the Lord’s Café, and One Hope, to reach the lost and hurting in the Stearns Community.
  • Those that are lost in the Stearns community to find Christ in a personal way.


Praying for helpers (The Gospel amidst Struggles)

  • Pray that the Lord’s Café to Go in Stearns, KY can take the gospel to their neighbors by helping hungry people have full bellies and hurting people find rescue.

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Mission Teams can come in and partner with Crossroads Community Church and serve in the Stearns Community. Contact Crossroads Community Church if you are interested. 


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DAY 8| REGION 8: The Gospel Through Planting

Manchester, KY

John “Boo” Smith, a KBC Church planter from Clay County, is sharing the gospel and planting a mountain ministry church in Manchester, KY. Initially, Boo used his love of outdoor sports (e.g., archery, hunting, fishing, bike riding, and camping) to engage local youth with the good news of the gospel through the Impact Outdoors Ministry. When he began to see young couples coming to Bible studies as a result of Impact Outdoors, he recognized the need for a new church in Clay County. Boo’s Church Plant, Cross Mountain Fellowship, seeks to include small groups, mixed worship, campground ministry, youth ministry, and mentorship to at risk youth, as they reach out to children and families through outdoor adventure and activities.


The KBC Church Planting Group impacts lostness by helping churches strategize to make an evangelistic impact through partnering and/or participating in church planting and replanting. EBO provides start up evangelism grants for new church plants, partial funding for church planters, robust tools, and processes to help churches & AMSs assess potential church planters, & support for churches investing into church planting apprentices.

Pray For: 

  • KBC Church Planters Boo and Kimberly Smith as they seek to connect with their community and share the gospel through outdoor activities.
  • All KBC Church Planters to find favor in their city.
  • Guidance how you and your church can work to cooperate with KBC Church Planting, partner with a church plant, and send planters/ planting team to reach people with the gospel across the state.


Praying for church planters (the Gospel through Planting)

  • Pray for Church Planters, Brother Boo and his wife Kimberly, in Manchester, KY that God help them reach their community using fun outdoor activities. Pray for other church planting couples across Kentucky that God help them tell their communities about the gospel.

How Can Churches Get Involved?

  • Consider becoming a multiplying church. Explore steps and learn more at
  • Partner with a current church plant like Cross Mountain Fellowship. Call them, ask good questions and pray for them. Have small groups write personal notes of encouragement.
  • Invite a planter and his wife, to your church to love on them and have him preach at your church.


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