Connect with a Missionary

Disciples of Jesus who live on mission have concern for others who are involved in the mission, whether close by or far away. Luke acknowledged the support that a group of women provided for Jesus and the twelve. Paul both acknowledged and encouraged support of the work and workers in the early church. 

As WMU, we encourage you to connect with and support your Southern Baptist and Kentucky Missionaries. To enlist missionary speakers, please contact the Missions Agency directly. To connect with Kentucky Baptist MSC Missionaries and Church Planters, get connected with the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Follow the links below to access prayer calendars and the planter directory. 


International Missionaries

North American Missionaries

Kentucky Missionaries & Church Planters

  • For information about our Kentucky MSC Missionaries, visit You will also find contact information for our Kentucky Missionaries on this page. 
  • Pray for Kentucky MSC Missionaries on their birthdays, download the monthly InterSEED List for Kentucky Missionaries. ​
  • Care well for those serving in our state. Your church or small group can also care for and support a Kentucky missionary by adopting them. Learn more on our Adopt-A-Missionary page.
  • For information about our Kentucky Baptist Church Planters, visit You will also find contact information for our Kentucky Church Planters Directory on this page. This list can serve as your prayer list. 

For information about international missionaries on stateside assignment in Kentucky,
fill out the form below and someone from our team will be in touch soon.

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