Kentucky WMU Scholarships

Supporting Your Educational Journey

Generations of missions-minded women have given faithfully so that Kentucky WMU can assist women and men called to missions and ministry with educational expenses. Using distributions from several endowment funds held by the Kentucky Baptist Foundation, Kentucky WMU awards SIX scholarships based on the stipulations of each endowment.

The scholarships are awarded by the Kentucky WMU Finance/Scholarship Committee. The committee determines scholarship awards based on application information. All scholarships use the same application form.

Scholarships generally range from $500 to $1,000, with amounts varying from year to year according to earnings on investments.

The application deadline is February 15.

Scholarships Offered

How To Apply

More Scholarships

2023 Scholarship Recipients

We're Here To Help. Contact Us.

The KentuckyWMU team is available to answer any questions you may have about WMU or Changers. Please feel free to contact us for consultations, resources, workshops, and more.

13420 Eastpoint Centre Dr.
Louisville, Kentucky 40223
(502) 489-3534
[email protected]

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